What I’m Most Excited For About the 2016 Ag & Food HR Roundtable

By   |   April 27th, 2016   |   0 Comments

Ag & Food HR Roundtable 2016Ahhh! The AgCareers.com Ag & Food HR Roundtable…for those that know me, you know that this is a BIG deal. I’ve had the privilege to be a part of the planning of the Roundtable since nearly the beginning. I’ve missed only one, the first one. This year AgCareers.com will be hosting the 14th annual conference. Register today, so you don’t miss out!


The Ag & Food HR Roundtable brings together human resources professionals, business leaders, university/college career services staff and association representatives from across North America within the agricultural industry to discuss, learn and influence change around recruitment and retention within the industry. It truly is a one-of-a-kind event.


The thing that I’m most excited about for this year’s Roundtable is pretty simple! I’m excited for our participants to enjoy it! I’m fascinated with the planning aspects of this event, particularly the crafting of the agenda through the help of the Roundtable Organizing Committee. It is always fun to see the thoughts and discussion mold itself into a dynamic and unique conference unlike any other. This year is no exception! The committee has developed a great educational agenda and a dynamic line-up of speakers is expected. I’m looking forward to the event kick-off, Tuesday, August 2nd in Des Moines, Iowa on our host’s, DuPont Ag & Nutrition, campus. Thank you to DuPont and our other sponsors for what is sure to be an exceptional conference.


Of course, you knew my answer was going to be cliché! So, rather than just hearing from me, I asked a few others to share what they are looking forward to about this year’s Roundtable. Do you recognize any themes?


“The AgCareers.com HR Roundtable provides a forum where not only can I learn and develop personally, but it also provides a way for participants to network with other industry and university professionals in one location. Everyone’s schedules are busy, so at DuPont, we are happy to host and help bring together participants to collaborate where our work overlaps. We believe that learning from one another is key to advancing agriculture as a whole.”

– Jennifer Struck, Campus Recruiting and Selection Consultant, DuPont


“The DuPont Carver Center holds a special place in my heart and the journey of AgCareers.com. It was the site of the first ever Ag & Food HR Roundtable. The Carver Center is a great venue and we are very appreciative to DuPont for hosting us. I’m looking forward to the opportunity to network with our industry friends and clients while ‘putting a finger on the pulse’ on talent acquisition given the current market conditions.”

– Eric Spell, President, AgCareers.com


“This will be my first year attending the Roundtable and I am really looking forward to not only the educational aspect of the sessions but also networking with HR Professionals. I am still relatively fresh to AgCareers.com and really think this event will be a great learning experience and will make me a better account manager for our clients.”

– Shelby McArthur, Western US Account Manager, AgCareers.com


“Each year some of agriculture and food’s best professionals get together with AgCareers.com at the Roundtable. It is amazing that individuals can come from all over North America and realize that we face similar issues. I look forward to new ideas and a fresh set of lenses to look at MY issues. I also look forward to catching up with old friends and helping new ones come aboard this crazy ride we call ‘HR.’ Most importantly I look forward to the ‘reset.’ My respect for this group and event grows each year, knowing they find a way to reset my passion for my career choice.”

– Clayton Hensley, Recruiting Specialist, Central Valley Ag


“As a recruiter for Peterson Cat, I have attended several events and look forward to this year’s conference for the ag industry networking. I meet new ag industry contacts. We can help each other collectively source top talent and find solutions to the shortage of skilled labor. I also learn new recruiting techniques, both from the US and around the globe. Also, the conference provides excellent ag industry company tours. You get a chance to see how technology has impacted multiple areas within the ag industry. And as an additional benefit, you get to meet the AgCareers.com staff.”

– Ted Fleming, Technical Recruiter, Peterson Cat


“I am very excited about the diversity workshop being held with the Roundtable because I know that is a hot topic for many in the HR field. I am excited about meeting so many of the people I talk to on the phone – putting faces to names and getting to know them better! And finally, I am excited to see and hear the interactions between the HR folks in the ag industry.  I have worked with many HR people in the past but this will be my first time at an ag-specific HR event!”

– Dana Vinson, Central US Account Manager, AgCareers.com


If this isn’t enough to convince you to attend, here are 5 reasons we think you should consider attending the 2016 Ag & Food HR Roundtable. We look forward to seeing you in August!

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