Signs You Need More Management

By   |   September 22nd, 2015   |   0 Comments

UnknownChances are if you work for an organization (non-profit or for profit) 10 years or more, you will likely experience a “re-org” or at least you should! The word “re-organization” or “re-org” for those of us that has been around for a while often carries with it a negative stereotype. But it can be a very positive experience if leadership within a given organization has both the awareness and vision to respond to marketplace trends while being in tune with internal human capital utilization. However, if leadership within a given organization sits back too long ignoring industry trends and doesn’t allow their talent to grow and experience achievement, they will find themselves struggling to compete long-term. There is a fine line between being proactive versus reactive when it comes to identifying the time for re-organization.


Below are 5 signs it may be time to re-org your organization:


  1. Your industry is evolving: If you are a leader within a given business or organization and you are doing business the same way you did 10 years ago, there is a good chance you may be left behind with respect to your competition. You may have been a leader within your space for several years, but the fact is technology changes, industry trends affect demand, and economies change. Sound and sustainable organizations are constantly aware of what’s happening around them and seek ways to maintain their position in the marketplace.
  2. Inefficiencies are evident:  A bad habit to adopt is to continually add staff to accommodate inefficiencies. Efficient companies or organizations strive for continuous improvement – improving outdated processes while growing the business and becoming more profitable along the way.
  3. Team Morale is slipping:  Poor leadership within organizations tend to ignore input from their staff re outdated processes and work flows. Sound leadership keeps a proactive “finger on the pulse” re the morale of their most important investment – the human capital inside the organization. Most talent within organizations is more than happy to be involved in process improvements efforts – just ask for it!
  4. Some staff overworked while others are underutilized: In growing organizations, it’s inevitable that teams change as new members are added. Often times this change can result in select staff getting to a point where demands of the role have outgrown their capacity. Effective leaders are able to see this on the horizon and make necessary adjustments by moving people into more effective roles within the organization. Perhaps new training or more current expertise or even improved leadership capacity is needed to ensure overall team productivity.
  5. Balls are being dropped: Constant mistakes are a direct result of poor communication, misalignment, and lack of effective leadership. This is EVERYONE’S fault! Before pointing the fingers, leadership must facilitate “looking under the hood” and identify root causes and address them accordingly.


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