There is no doubt that each region faces some difficulties when it comes to recruitment in the agriculture industry. Whether it be from local and state legislation, market limitations, cost of living and much more, the Western US faces some hurdles in recruiting for talent. We hope that can be of assistance when facing these hurdles.
So you have found that perfect candidate for your role, you offer them the position and they turn it down…only to find out that they simply cannot afford to relocate and that the cost of living in the West is much higher. This has been an issue for many employers in the West. It can be very frustrating and at times, you may feel as though this is simply out of your control. But there are some ways that you may be better able to attract them. Be sure you are selling the area and let them know why they should move: good schools, safe communities, various activities, etc. In terms of cost, be sure you are offering the candidate a competitive salary that reflects the cost of living for your region. You may want to consider’s Compensation Benchmark Review to assist in what a competitive salary looks like for each of the roles that are specific to your region.
State/Local Laws:
Now, there is no surprise that this can be an issue for all regions of the US. The scare right now for California would be the passing of Assembly Bill 1066. This new law will entitle agricultural employees to premium pay after eight hours of work in a day or 40 hours in a week. Match this with the new minimum wage laws, and many in the state are nervous. There is no getting around the laws, but this is another example of the importance of being involved with the legislation and promoting the industry. Stay involved, let your voices be heard, and start preparing in advance.
Qualified Talent:
Finding the right talent is not easy. Many are finding that there is gap in the talent right now and finding that right person that has the experience but will not retire for quite some time can be difficult. Be sure to think outside of the box in terms of recruitment strategies. Ask yourself, have I been utilizing all of the resources that I can? When we make the hire, are we actively trying to retain the talent? Many companies are now creating and utilizing Management Trainee programs. They have found this to a be a successful way to train and retain employees. is much more than just a job board. Check out our other services that can assist in these common hurdles of recruitment!
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