Tiffany Tomlin, a junior at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa, joins the marketing staff, also based in Ames, for the summer as our marketing intern. Tiffany is an agricultural education major and participates as a member of the ISU Livestock Judging Team.
What do you do on a day-to-day basis in your role with
Every day I get the opportunity to work on a variety of tasks with the team. Some highlight items that I am currently working on include internship surveys, Career Profile extensions, promoting the 2019 HR Roundtable, and writing content for blogs, newsletters, and the Ag and Food Career Guide.
What do you enjoy about working with
I enjoy having the freedom to take the lead on a wide variety of tasks. Through this, I am getting valuable experiences outside of what I would get in the typical classroom while having the help of the friendly team when needed.
What advice would you give to employers using for the first time?
Be as active on the site as possible! It is a great resource to find the perfect fit for your job opening.
What are you most looking forward to in your role with
It is hard to pinpoint what I am the most excited about. I’ve enjoyed all my tasks so far, but I am especially eager to continue working on some career profile extensions along with writing any content. Overall, I’m just looking forward to learning as much as a can and connecting with others during my time with
In your spare time, what do you like to do on the weekends?
On the weekends I like to relax with friends and travel around to any livestock related events in the area. I also love spending extra time hanging out with my best dog friend, Creo.
What’s your favorite snack and name one thing you can’t live without while working?
My favorite snack is either fresh fruit or Goldfish crackers. I find dry lips super distracting, so I can’t live without chapstick while working (Blistex medicated lip balm is the best).
Favorite book & favorite movie?
I like any sort of suspenseful fiction book and my favorite movie is The Greatest Showman.
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