Fruit cake, gift card, bonus, product, or something else…agh! What do I give? Holiday giving in the workplace can be as tough as figuring out what to get your Great Aunt June! If you are thinking about giving holiday gifts to your staff this season consider these few things.
Before you put the effort in to finding the perfect gift, double check your company handbook (or ask your superior if necessary) to make sure holiday gift giving is allowed. Then develop a consistent approach for selecting who and how much you’ll invest. Remember gifts can come in many forms, not just money. I’ll share a few ideas below!
Consistency doesn’t mean you have to give equally across all employees, but you do need logical reasoning to justify your decisions. For example, if you are providing a Christmas bonus, perhaps you base the value on % of salary or weighted based on revenue generated.
Being consistent across employees is obviously the easiest, but doesn’t always make sense. And, it could depend on what you are gifting. Just remember, you don’t want holiday gift giving to become a demotivator for the team because there is unexplainable inconsistency amongst what various team members receive.
If you regularly provide holiday gifts and of the same nature from year to year, your staff will naturally come to expect it. Right or wrong, they will. Remember what happens to Clark in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation? If you need to make adjustments to your routine holiday gift giving (particularly if you gift in the form of money or bonuses) communicate those changes and as early as possible. While the change may be tough to take, you don’t want your employees disgruntled because expectations weren’t met.
What to Give
As I mentioned, money/bonus isn’t the only form of showing appreciation around the holiday season. Here are a few ideas for meaningful holiday gift giving:
The holidays are an opportunity to reflect on the past year and give thanks for what has been accomplished; the milestones made and a look toward the future. Holiday giving can come in many forms. Overall though, as you go about holiday gift giving, if you remember the purpose — to spread a little cheer and show your appreciation — you won’t go wrong. Happy holidays!
Learn more about weighing benefits and perks from this blog post.
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