Western US recruitment in agricultureThere is no doubt that each region faces some difficulties when it comes to recruitment in the agriculture industry. Whether it be from local and state legislation, market limitations, cost of living and much more, the Western US faces some hurdles in recruiting for talent. We hope that AgCareers.com can be of assistance when facing these hurdles.



So you have found that perfect candidate for your role, you offer them the position and they turn it down…only to find out that they simply cannot afford to relocate and that the cost of living in the West is much higher. This has been an issue for many employers in the West. It can be very frustrating and at times, you may feel as though this is simply out of your control. But there are some ways that you may be better able to attract them. Be sure you are selling the area and let them know why they should move: good schools, safe communities, various activities, etc. In terms of cost, be sure you are offering the candidate a competitive salary that reflects the cost of living for your region. You may want to consider AgCareers.com’s Compensation Benchmark Review to assist in what a competitive salary looks like for each of the roles that are specific to your region.

Published on September 30th, 2016

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agvocate for ag careersWhile attending an AgChat conference I had the opportunity to listen to a gentleman by the name of Matt Rush. Matt is a fourth generation farmer and cattle rancher from New Mexico. He is also the Executive Vice President of the New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau. Matt is very passionate about his values and the future of agriculture. I really enjoyed his keynote speech and thought his message would fit perfectly with our topic of ag-vocating.


Today, probably more than ever, it is extremely important for all of us to advocate for the agricultural industry. In a world where information is at our fingertips, it is our responsibility to be sure that people are receiving the correct information about the industry. Matt Rush broke down our responsibility using the three V’s. He explained that we all need to be viable, valuable and visible when we agvocate.

Published on June 22nd, 2016

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recruiting advice“That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you’ve understood all your life, but in a new way.”
– Doris Lessing
Here is a statement that hopefully we can all relate to, the importance of learning even when you think you are a “master” of the trait. Recruiting methods have evolved and it is important to learn from your peers and to keep up with the changes to best attract the candidates you are searching for. We have compiled a list of some of the best advice recruiters have received.


5 Best Pieces of Recruiting Advice


1. The importance of a good job description

Many do not realize the true importance of a well-written job description. Don’t just give the job seekers the basics. Make sure you are appealing to the A+ candidates and use this as an opportunity to brand the company. Set yourself apart and ask yourself, “Would this job description make me want to apply to this position and/or leave the current job I am at?”

Published on April 20th, 2016

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Sierra Cascade finds success with AgCareers.comRichard Flores, Human Resources Manager for Sierra-Cascade Nursery, recently located an excellent hire via AgCareers.com. I spoke with Richard about his AgCareers.com success story using AgCareers.com for their job posting advertising.


Tell me about Sierra-Cascade as a business. 
Sierra-Cascade Nursery is dedicated to providing the highest quality nursery products possible using the most sustainable practices available. For over 30 years SCN has been an industry leader due to our commitment to innovation, integrity, and to employing talented and hardworking people. Though strawberry plants are our main crop, SCN also grows raspberry plants, mint root, endive root, cilantro, asparagus crowns, grain seed and hay.


How is 2016 looking for the company? Do you see any hiring needs to change in the coming years?
The future looks bright for Sierra-Cascade Nursery. Our plants are desired by many growers throughout the state and our reputation speaks for itself. The drought in California will play a key part in determining our hiring needs for the future. With no water, I do not anticipate any growth.


What’s your impression of the resumes that come through to you from AgCareers.com?
I am impressed with the resumes that we receive through the site. We receive resumes from people that have many years of agricultural experience to newly graduated college students that want to get their careers started.

Published on December 15th, 2015

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