The blogosphere is filled with blogs offering free advice on anything from extreme sports to origami. When it comes to your career, it is important to find the best advice out there. I wanted to share a few of my favorite job search blogs that offer crucial, yet entertaining and insightful advice for your career advancement:
Career Hub blog features free advice from career experts. The blog was founded to connect job seekers with the best minds in career counseling. Contributors are experts in resume writing, career transition, personal branding, executive career campaigns, search strategies and more. Career Hub also offers free eBook downloads with trips, tricks and strategies for your search.
The Weddle’s WorkStrong blog is from Peter Weddle, former HR Consulting CEO, now full time writer and commentator of the world of work. Peter’s blog is a candid, completely honest discussion of the work world. The blog is based on his book The Career Fitness Workbook: How to Find, Win & Hang Onto the Job of Your Dreams. Unlike many other career and job search books, it is designed specifically for the challenging workplace of the 21st Century.
Alison Doyle is the Job Searching Expert and leads’s job searching site. She is a highly-regarded career expert, with expertise in job searching, interview skills, resumes, cover letters, personal branding, social networking, leaving your job, employment trends and even more. You can sign up for the Doyle Report to get job search advice and career tips from Alison delivered to your email inbox.
The Corn On The Job blog was created by Rich DeMatteo, AKA “Corn on the Job.” He is a globally recognized career expert, Gen Y Career Coach and Social Media marketer. Rich has developed a wealth of opinions through his experiences and the blog is a way for him to share his opinions with job seekers– his “Corn Heads.” Rich and several guest bloggers share their advice, opinions and wisdom for job seekers in the Corn On The Job blog.
Some of these blogs have been featured in our weekly e-newsletter—register now to get job search advice and featured jobs delivered right to your inbox weekly!
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