5 Tips for Grad School Success

By   |   September 25th, 2015   |   0 Comments

University_PartnersGuest Blogger, Josh Tenney Marketing Coordinator at Iowa State University Brenton Center for Agricultural Instruction & Technology Transfer


It goes without saying that graduate programs can be difficult. You’re past learning about the basics, and now you’re finally digging into the nitty gritty details, the important research, and the current challenges of your field of study. No matter what you’re studying, here are five helpful tips to ease your journey through graduate school.


1. Work on your writing skills.


It doesn’t matter what you’re studying: You’re going to be writing. A lot.


When you write for your graduate program, you’ll often be presenting detailed, technical information, and it’s easy to get so caught up in the technical details that readability suffers. However, like every writer,you need to draft, revise, and proofread everything for both mistakes and flow. In addition to a thorough revision process, it can be helpful to have a friend proofread your writing to catch problems you may have missed. It may not feel like writing skills are part of your program of study, but the most important work you do will be presented as text. Make sure it reads well.


2. Manage your time carefully.


You’ve probably heard this repeated ad nauseum, but the importance of time management cannot be overstated. The challenges you undertake in graduate school are unlikely to be beaten by a last-minute effort. Projects will often require days or weeks of accumulated research, and you will probably be given fewer reminders about your looming deadlines. Start early, plan ahead, and you will always be at an advantage.


3. Communicate with your professors.


In graduate school, your professors are more than just instructors, they are your colleagues. Getting to know your professors means a lot more than getting feedback or leniency, they are contacts who may prove invaluable to your professional success. When you need references, letters of recommendation, or just feedback on a problem facing your area of study, it always helps to know a professor.


Two Girls4. Make friends with your peers.


Nobody knows what you’re dealing with better than the other people in your program. Just like your professors, your peers are valuable contacts who are facing the same academic and professional challenges set by your field of study. When you finish the program, contacts in your field are the key to finding new professional opportunities. For now, it’s incredibly important to have support from your peers as you work through your studies.


5. Stay sane.


This advice may make graduate school sound daunting, but it’s important not to end up having a meltdown. While you’re exercising those time-management skills, make some time for yourself. Find a good way to unwind and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Watch a movie, hang out with friends, or work on your hobby. Graduate school is certainly a challenge, and taking care of yourself is an important step toward your success.


Interested in enrolling in a graduate program? AgCareers.com is proud to have Iowa State University participating in the AgCareers.com University Partners program. You can find more information about the variety of programs offered via AgOnline within the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Iowa State University. Explore their options!


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