How “Stranger Things” is Like Job Searching

By   |   January 16th, 2018   |   0 Comments

find a will for job searchingJob searching: not for the weak. It can feel like fighting a Demogorgon while trying to save your best friend from another dimension and trying to hide a telekinetic from evil scientists…. Okay, maybe not quite like that. But job searching has more in common with the hit Netflix show Stranger Things than you might think. Have a read.
Disclaimer #1: If you haven’t seen Stranger Things, go watch it now, because it is great. Also, if you haven’t seen, this post likely won’t make a lot of sense.
Disclaimer #2: Some of these analogies are corny and far-reaching. Don’t judge me.

How Stranger Things is Like Job Searching


  1. It’s hard to find a “Will.” Sorry, had to. Like trying to find Will Byers when he’s lost in the Upside Down, it can be hard to find your own “will” to begin the monotonous, intimidating, and often discouraging process of job searching. Especially when starting over again after a rejection or two. Take heart and rebuild your confidence: there are always new job opportunities out there to pursue. There are 5,000 available at any given time on 
  2. Communicating with an employer can feel like communicating between dimensions. If you ever feel like Joyce Byers when you’re trying to connect with an employer, such as checking on an application or asking questions, it can feel like you’re speaking in light signals. Employers are usually not very responsive to applicant questions (or applications in general), but it’s important to remember to be patient as well. If a significant amount of time has passed (a month or two), send an email or give your hiring manager a call to reiterate your interest in the position and if there is anything else they may require of you regarding your application.
  3. You’ll need some helpful tools. No need to grab a baseball bat with nails, your camo bandana, or your bicycle for the job search, but you will for sure want some kind of organization and tools that will help you keep up with the, at times, complicated process of job searching. offers a number of useful tools for job seekers including the option to save jobs, create a job search agent that will search for you, the options to save various resumes, and more. Take advantage of these tools while you search on by creating an account.
  4. Remember to seek help from your peers and mentors. Mike, Eleven, and Dustin couldn’t find Will and fight the Demogorgon on their own. They needed help from Lucas but also from Hopper, Joyce, Jonathan, Nancy, and Steve. Similarly, you’ll want to seek help on your application materials by having your peers and/or mentor proof them for you. This is especially important if you’ve received a rejection or two. Get some outside opinions. Your circle of contacts is also very helpful when it comes to forming connections, as they may personally or professionally know an employer you might be interested in working for.


stranger things job searchingBest of luck in your search!

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