Do You Need a Video Resume?

By   |   December 7th, 2017   |   0 Comments

Video resumes have become an emerging trend over the last few years, but as with any trend you should evaluate if it’s right for you before jumping on the bandwagon. (I sure wish I would have done that with some of my early 2000’s clothing choices!) Is a video resume something that will entice employers or turn them off?


The jury is still out on what employers think of receiving video resumes from candidates. A survey by Vault Inc. discovered what while most employers are receptive of video resumes less than 20% have actually viewed a video resume. Some employers are leery of being accused of discrimination if they do not proceed with the candidate, as the video will clearly showcase gender, race, age and other characteristics. If you do create a video resume, simply include the URL on the information you share with the employer and they can choose whether to view it.


Ask yourself these questions to determine if a video resume is a project you should tackle:


  • Can you produce a high-quality video? Lighting, background, quality sound and professional packaging all matter.
  • Can you develop a compelling script? A video resume should be more than you reading your resume. It needs to be a pitch for why you’re the best hire for the employer.
  • Can you pitch yourself in under one minute? Ideal length of a video resume is less than 60 seconds. Viewership will dramatically decline after 90 seconds.
  • Does the job you’re applying for require presentation skills? If the job requires face time with clients or presentations the employer will be interested in how you come across to an audience.
  • Are you comfortable not controlling how the video is shared? It’s important to remember that once your video is posted or distributed you cannot control how (or with whom) it is shared.


If you can answer yes to all five questions than a video resume may be a valuable addition to your jobseeker toolkit- so long as you are using it to enhance your materials rather than as a replacement for a resume. A resume is still the most important tool for a jobseeker. Check out how to develop a great online resume here.

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