Kristine Penning is’s Creative Marketing Specialist. She will have been with the company for three years in January of 2017 and works from the Ames, Iowa office.
What do you do on a day-to-day basis?
I have a unique job where I get to do a lot of different things daily. Primarily, I do graphic design for, so this includes handouts and flyers, brochures, mailers, e-blasts, reports, infographics, social media graphics, basically anything the team needs that involves anything graphical. I also handle a share of social media tasks like creating content and posting the jobs that you see on our social media. And I get to do some video production and a variety of writing on the blogs, the newsletter, through the Career Guide, and creating surveys.
What do you enjoy about working here?
I love my job. I appreciate that my job is not just one sector of agriculture, but is all-encompassing of the industry. I feel so fortunate to come to work every day and get to do what I love for the industry that I love. I also love creating. And I feel genuine doing so. I grew up on a farm, and my husband and I farm, so coming from this industry and getting to support it through my daily work is and has always been my dream. All my passions fit into one job, which I think is pretty rare to find in a career.
What advice would you give to job seekers using for the first time?
I would encourage job seekers to dig into our resources because we really want them to succeed. We work hard to create resources for them to learn more about agriculture and the industry as a whole, to prep for interviews and the job search, and to become a more well-rounded, successful professional. Check out our Career Guide articles, our infographics, our Career Cultivation blog, our market research, our University Partners and our career profiles (my favorite thing about our site).
What is one of your favorite memories while working at
Ashley’s going to roll her eyes at this one, but the 2014 Team Retreat to the Outer Banks of North Carolina is my favorite memory and my first time flying! Any opportunity to travel and experience something outside the office is always exciting to me. It was also a great experience getting to meet everyone from and spending real time together as a team.
In your spare time, what do you like to do on the weekends?
I usually just hang out with my husband or visit my family at their farm in northern Iowa. My husband and I love traveling (we’re in Duluth, MN in the photo to the left), trying new restaurants, doing home improvement projects, watching The Office or The Walking Dead, playing with our dog and cats, and going for motorcycle rides. If I’m on my own, I like to do creative writing.
What’s your favorite snack and name one item you can’t live without while working?
Listening to classic rock music is a staple during my work day. A little chocolate, preferably Dove chocolate, makes my day!
What’s your favorite book and favorite movie?
My favorite book is The Pigman by Paul Zindel. Aside from my love of all horror movies, my favorite movie is Forrest Gump. I’m a big fan of history and pop culture; Forrest Gump has a lot of references to pop culture throughout the movie.
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