Meet Our Central US Account Manager

By   |   February 8th, 2016   |   0 Comments

danaDana Vinson has worked with since August 2015 as the Central United States Account Manager. She works from’s headquarters in Clinton, North Carolina.


What do you do on a day-to-day basis in your role with


I handle all companies in the Central United States that want to post jobs on our site as well as our partner clients. I tell people that it is sales but it is also customer service. I feel like I have a more personal relationship with my clients than any other sales job that I’ve had.


What do you enjoy about working with


I love that it gets me back to my roots. Being raised in a farming family and having the ag background growing up, straight out of college I did a little in ag, but from age 22 until just last year, I didn’t have much to do with ag. So getting back to my ag roots is great. I love the ag community. I have gone to the Iowa State University career fair and ran into people who know my hometown or my family in North Carolina, so it’s a nice small world.


What advice would you give to job seekers using for the first time?


I would tell them to think outside of the box. I love that our site has different kinds of search features aside from typing in just what you’re looking for: you can search by location on the homepage or do an advanced search. Search for things that might not be the first thing that would come to your mind. Every company has their own way of titling things and describing job duties, so do some researching and keep an open mind. When you’re a job seeker, you don’t always think about what the titles mean.


What is one of your favorite memories while working with


I loved going to the Iowa State University Career Fair. That was my first experience at a career fair besides being in college. I loved seeing how eager the students were to learn more about companies but also to see how the companies are looking at these students and soon-to-be graduates. Again, one of my favorite things about this was that I saw someone who knew where my hometown was—a town of 90 people. To see how small of a world agriculture is but how many people they reach was a good learning experience.


kids christmas Me and steve christmasIn your spare time, what do you like to do on the weekends?


My children keep me busy. Our Saturdays are filled with basketball, but I am a huge Carolina Panthers fan so I was glued to the Super Bowl this weekend.


What’s your favorite snack and name one thing you can’t live without while working?


I’m not much of a snacker. I’m a meal person, but because I’m trying to eat healthier, my favorite snack is called Balance Breaks: fruits, nuts and cheese. I can’t live without my water bottle. I drink a lot of water.


Favorite book & favorite movie?


My favorite book is The Outsiders. I love it, and my friend who teaches middle school teaches it every year, so it’s fun to talk to her about it. My favorite movie is Steel Magnolias.


Want more insight from Dana? Read all of her blog posts on Career Cultivation here.

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