What to Get Your Boss for Christmas

By   |   December 13th, 2017   |   0 Comments

What to Get Your Boss for Christmas Want to give your boss a gift for Christmas? That’s great! It definitely shows that you appreciate your employer and you feel appreciated by them. If you don’t want to or don’t feel as though you should due to circumstances at work, it’s okay too. There is certainly no rule that says you have to give a gift to your boss. However, if you plan to give one, what do you get your boss for Christmas? How much money should you spend on their gift? And how should you give it?


I know, it probably shouldn’t be this complicated, and it isn’t. But there’s definitely a right way and a wrong way to give gifts, just like there are appropriate gifts and inappropriate gifts. Use this blog as a guide for what to get your boss for Christmas


How to Give a Gift to Your Boss for Christmas


When giving your boss a gift, remember that not everyone else in the office may be giving one (or they may not give a gift of the same measure). Be sure to give your boss a gift in a discreet manner that is not showy. Ask your boss if you can speak with them privately in their office and then give them their gift. Or, if you are friends outside of work, use an opportunity at a lunch or evening gathering to give the gift.


Second, give without expectation. If you want to give your boss something costly and extravagant (which is not recommended), just remember not to expect anything in return, such as a raise or promotion. What you get your boss for Christmas won’t elevate your position in your organization. Also, don’t expect a gift in return. Just as you don’t have to get your boss anything for Christmas, they don’t have to personally get anything for you either.


If you’re not sure whether to give your boss a gift in the first place, talk to your coworkers and ask what the consensus or protocol is.

What to Get Your Boss for Christmas


  1. Ever thought of a group gift? Asking your coworkers to go in on a gift as a group is a great idea and takes the pressure off of you. Plus, you’re able to give something a little more expensive without looking like you are asking for a favorable response. Consider something they would enjoy like tickets to a game or concert, or perhaps a gift card to their favorite store.

  3. Keep it inexpensive. Your boss is your boss, and they likely make enough money to buy anything they would want on their own. So you don’t need to get them a drone or a new iPhone. A gift to your boss for Christmas is really just meant to show you appreciate them in a simple way. So keep it simple. If a gift you have in mind exceeds the $30-35 mark, think about asking your coworkers to do a group gift.

  5. Make it sincere. A gift to your boss shouldn’t be overly personal (for example, if it’s a gift you could only see their spouse buying for them, probably best to avoid it), but it can certainly reflect their interests or any shared interests you have. A few years ago, I bought my coworkers, my boss included, a coffee table book about agricultural tools, livestock, and plants called Farm Anatomy. They all loved it, and it was only $15. We both loved agriculture, and we loved books, so it was a solid gift idea. We’ve also exchanged candles from Bath & Body Works as well as homemade taco seasoning and gift cards to our favorite restaurants and stores. Show that you know what they enjoy and that you appreciate them.
    Other good options include:
    – Flowers (poinsettias are especially appropriate this time of year)
    – A personalized mug or office item
    – A gift basket (fruit, meat and cheese, candy, popcorn sampler)
    – Appropriate gag gifts (make sure you know your boss well enough to know that they would find it humorous and not offensive)
    – A piece of art for their office
    – A coffee table book fitting their interests or their career, as aforementioned
    – A DIY gift (these are always good choices as long as they are well-made and thoughtful; examples include homemade recipes or body products)
    – An office calendar

  7. Avoid cash and favors. For one thing, giving cash to your boss just looks fishy. A gift card is an entirely different story, but cash is inappropriate, impersonal, and can look like bribery. Similarly, don’t make any promises to your employer, like that you will offer to take them to dinner, for a manicure, or for a round of golf. What if you never follow through on that promise? It will reflect very badly on you and looks like a flimsy gift unless there is a gift card or reservations to prove it.

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