how to spot a great boss in an interview - Mark Stewart - Agriculture Future of AmericaGuest Blogger: Mark Stewart, President & CEO of Agriculture Future of America

 watch full movie Logan online

We’ve all heard advice about being prepared for an interview. We know to do our homework on the company; know the individuals we’ll be interviewing with and their roles. We think through situational questions and our responses. We’re prepared to tie our experience to the responsibilities of the role we’re interviewing for. And above all else, we come prepared with questions! But do we go past that in our preparation? How often do we think about doing our own analysis of the company; our own interview of them, and how to spot a great boss? I can tell you from personal experience, and some record of job hopping, that it comes with practice. Not to suggest you have to job hop to figure it out – that’s me learning from my mistakes. Hopefully, you can take this advice as you look towards your next, and perhaps last, interview!

 watch full movie Logan online

How do you spot a great boss and the right fit for you? I’ve tried to simplify what I’ve learned and heard from many mentors over the years it four simple categories.

Published on March 30th, 2017

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WHO TO ASK FOR A REFERENCE WHEN YOU CAN'T ASK YOUR BOSSReferences are a common job search dilemma, especially for those that are already employed. You can’t ask your current boss to be a reference unless you’re moving, or facing a lay-off, downsizing, or a merger, or other obvious situations. So who to ask for a reference if you can’t ask your boss?


Who to Ask for a Reference: The Obvious


Prior Supervisors

This is one of the many reasons why it is important to stay connected with former bosses and supervisors; keep the line of communication open so they can serve as references in the future.

Published on March 22nd, 2017

 Read More has employed several interns over the nearly 20 years in business as well as numerous campus ambassadors throughout North America during the duration of the Campus Ambassador program. We caught up with four former interns and campus ambassadors to hear how their time with impacted their professional careers and what they’re doing today.


Rachael Ashley - Campus AmbassadorRachael Ashley – Campus Ambassador 2011-2012, University of Idaho


How did your position with aid you in your professional development?


Being an ambassador helped me understand the importance of networking and expanding your professional circle. It’s easy to stay in your comfort zone and to avoid the risk of putting yourself out there, but nothing magical happens in this safe space. As an ambassador, I tapped into my network and grew my connections from the opportunities those connections provided. Working with new students, faculty and industry professionals exposed me to different ways of thinking and opened my eyes to opportunities I never knew existed. I would not have had the courage (or network) to pursue a career so different from what I had planned for without being a part of the ambassador program.

Published on March 20th, 2017

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5 highest-paying jobs in agricultureWith help from Cynthia Cole


Agriculture is such a great industry to consider joining! As consumer demand for agricultural products is growing both domestically and internationally, demand for a diversity of careers increases as well. And contrary to popular belief, many jobs in ag are very well-paid. To illustrate, below is a list of the five highest-paying  jobs in agriculture.


The 5 Highest-Paying Jobs in Agriculture


Ag C-Suite Executive – $200,000+


A company’s foremost senior executives hold strategic management and prominent leadership roles within a startup or proven organization. As one might expect, they are the highest-paying jobs in agriculture. C-Suite roles include such titles as Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Operating Officer (COO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO), etc. To learn more about C-Suite Executive careers in agriculture, click on the following links to career profiles:


Published on March 16th, 2017

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6 online master's programs in agriculture you must know aboutHave you thought about pursuing advanced education in agriculture but just haven’t had the time or accessibility? You may have heard it said that the master’s degree is the new bachelor’s. With agribusiness constantly advancing and employees seeking advancements in their careers, a master’s degree or an advanced certificate of some kind is growing increasingly attractive to both employers and businesses. But what institutions do you consider for this kind of education? What college will have your specific needs? And how can you pursue that kind of education without leaving your current job? The answer to these questions can be found in’s University Partners. In this program for distance education, you’ll find six online master’s programs in agriculture that are both highly respected and highly effective. Take a closer look:

Published on March 7th, 2017

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